"Nestled within the heart of Buikwe district to ensure that Children with disabilities don’t just Survive - but thrive."
We are a dedicated non-profit organisation improving the lives of children of children with disabilities and promoting inclusive communities where they can not just survive but thrive. Our goal is to identify children and young people with disabilities who need support, and we work to improve their quality of life and enable them to live as independently and as happy as possible within their families and local communities. Every child with a disability deserves an equal chance to living a better life, and our work brings hope and happiness to children and their families who may otherwise have given up.
We exist to create inclusive communities where children and young people with disabilities can gain their value, dignity, self-confidence, and thrive in life through resilient social and economic empowerment programs.
We envision a society where children and young people with disabilities live up to their full potential as equal and participating members of society
We are what we are because of our core values. They are the foundation of our work. We recognize the following as our irreducible core values:
- Children first:
- Collaboration:
- Passion:
we are passionate about our cause and mission to serve children with disabilities and their families.
- Integrity:
we are consistently open, honest, ethical, and genuine as individuals and in our work.
- Community:
we believe that children with disabilities belong in the community and have the right to participate as equals members of society.
- Innovative:
We strive to pioneer new approaches on how we solve community problems faced by children and young people with disabilities.
- Ensure access to quality education, healthcare, and rehabilitation services for children with disabilities.
- Empower children with disabilities and their families through skills development, economic empowerment, counselling, and support.
- Educate and raise awareness in communities about the rights of children with disabilities and promote inclusion to transform negative attitudes to positive.
- Build strong partnerships, foster collaborations, and rally resources to ensure our programs can grow and thrive.
Sadly because of specific circumstances in Uganda, children and young people with disabilities are amongst the most under – privileged people in society. They are particularly vulnerable to
stigma, poverty, discrimination, and are often segregated. It is estimated that there are over 2.5 million children living with disabilities in Uganda.
The desire to lead a productive and independent life is a universal human need; however, for children living with a disability, this desire can be compromised by a physical, medical, or mental condition, which can severely hamper a child’s quality of life. In Uganda, living with a disability can be a life sentence. A lack of identification, treatment, rehabilitation, and support can mean a disability is a complete barrier to participation in local society.
What is life like for a child with a disability
in a country like Uganda?
- In remote areas like Buikwe, Uganda, children with disabilities have little or no access to the critical care, facilities, and support that they need to thrive
- Children with disabilities often suffer in silence, hidden away from society. In some cases, their parents are so ashamed or afraid that they never allow them to be seen in public. These children are sadly regarded as a “curse” to their families and denied the opportunity to experience the world around them. It’s a heartbreaking reality that results in a lifetime of isolation and exclusion.
- Kids with disabilities are less likely to attend school, more likely to begin education late, and more likely to drop out of school. The vast majority of these children receive no education, they are absent from school data sets and invisible on the national policy agenda.
- Kids who have disabilities are often left marginalized and vulnerable, and without a community of support, families are unsure how to care for their children.
- Children with disabilities often lack self-esteem and self-confidence. Additionally, they face challenges in reporting violations of their human rights due to social exclusion.
- Children with disabilities still encounter physical and emotional abuse inside and outside homes, in the community and at work place.
a nurturing environment for children with disabilities.